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Syndey 2017

Co-hosted with Sue Murray & SPA


We opened the conference stating “Zero Suicide has been a flame attracting attention. Now it needs to become a torch that can spread the flame globally.” Hospital acquired infections were once thought of as inevitable. The most significant intervention to have an impact in reducing infection was following simple hand washing protocols. Once we believe change is possible, the most profound process adjustments are often quite simple.


The group also reflected on the inspiration of Don Berwick in Crossing the Quality Chasm. On the topic of process improvement in healthcare he stated, “I think healthcare is more about love than about most other things. If there isn’t at the core of this two human beings who have agreed to be in a relationship where one is trying to help relieve the suffering of another, which is love, you can’t get to the right answer here.”


Mike Hogan encouraged ongoing learning: “Developmentally, Zero Suicide is a toddler needing a community, supervision and sometimes redirection. We are here to help it grow.”


Special thanks to Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas, Dr. Ursula Whiteside and Suicide Prevention Australia’s Nikki Kelso who provided invaluable support in developing the Sydney 2017 product, “Zero Applied: From International Declaration to Local Action” and to the speakers and sponsors who made it possible.

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